The Fisherman

The Fisherman

Black and white are the colours of photography. To me, they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected. Ironically on this day, my subject was “hoping,” and I was “despairing.” He managed to cheer me up...


I love the sounds of winter, the iced grass breaking underfoot while searching the river’s banks for the skeletons of melancholy trees and frozen birds…


Sometimes, at that exact millisecond in time, magic just happens, the model becomes the light and light becomes the model and everything just blends into one…
The lady in Red

The lady in Red

When her mother called the children to come in for bath and supper time, she was always the last one in. On these lazy carefree afternoons, she would lie on a branch in her beloved tree. She loved how the surrounding leaves and branches almost embraced her, “how...


You write ‘Love’ on her wrists And watch it fade and blur through the tiny cracks in her skin Until it’s washed away in the bathroom sink And all that’s left is a featherlight kiss of ink on porcelain fingers. She’s rather like a swallow,...
Down by the River

Down by the River

I haven’t been down to the river for a while now. It’s a shame. I’ve missed the beautiful serenity and solitude one only finds near water. Seeing parts of the river glide and move while others are hauntingly static is utterly enthralling. Each drop...