I haven't been down to the river for a while now. It's a shame. I've missed the beautiful serenity and solitude one only finds near water. Seeing parts of the river glide and move while others are hauntingly static is utterly enthralling. Each drop desperately working...
Portrait of an Artist
I love the last hour of sun and light and a swallow returning for spring's flight
Some birds are not meant to be caged
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec eleifend lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras eu lectus non ligula pellentesque convallis. In bibendum dolor lorem, et varius est maximus eget....
A story about Yakking
So we're visiting friends in Parys and for some reason, we're talking about beanies. I say something like "I've always wanted one of those real beanies that you can tie around your chin. Normal beanies always move around when I'm photographing things on icy winter...
Susan tells me she has been waiting 3 days for a lift into town. Her dress is looking shabby and she is really tired. All I could offer was a drink of water.